Saturday, January 13, 2007

Give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind

Its 5:45 AM. I'm not up willingly. See my neighbors either have a sexually frustrated cat or a mouse problem. All I can hear directly over my head while I sleep is ripping cloth and scurrying feet. And the thing of it that's keeping me up is that it seems to go away whenever I turn my light on. And though I've checked for torn carpet in that area of the room and little mousy visitors, I've been unable to turn up any evidence that its actually me with the mouse probloem, yet still- light on, no noise; light off, ripping. I swear to god I even heard something land on my pillow at one point and whether it was hallucinations, really good hearing or really poor walls, its forced me to be awake in terror, shrieking. Here. With you. Sitting at my desk, flashlight nearby, lights on, feet up on the chair, ready for action. What actions I might take I have no idea, because really in truth if it is a critter in my apartment it sounds slightly larger than a mouse and although I may be a vegetarian and a scaredy-cat at that, my first instinct is to want it dead. Dead in whatever way little carpet ripping creatures die. Whether its a shoe to the head, or a nice bowl of poison I dont care- I just want the thing gone. I haven't slept well in over a week and I just want someone or something to take care of this little party crasher so I can sleep. Man sometimes I really hate living alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.