Friday, July 18, 2008

The Weekend Migration

The mercury hit around 96 today in the city- it is officially summer in New York. I think summer here is my favorite season by far. By my way of thinking, if you’re going to be sweltering in not just the heat but the humidity that is an NYC summer you may as well be surrounded by concrete, brick, and old men playing dominoes in their undershirts. In fact the only regrettable thing about a city summer is that there aren’t enough trees to sit under while gulping down very cold iced tea and reading a book. There are some, just-not enough.

In all seriousness though New York city suddenly becomes the free-est city in the world in the summer time and that is mostly why I love it. Free movies, pools, concerts, tours, kayaking, hiking, gardens, whatever. You name it and its probably free- there are even free cooling centers so for any of you snarky enough to suggest there may not be free AC, you’re wrong. The other thing I love about summer here: thunder storms. There’s just something satisfying about the heavily audible crack of thunder as it breaks through the heat and cools things down . I know this happens in other places, but I really enjoy it when it happens here.

As much as I love the city in the summer, though, tomorrow I plan to disappear into the trees. There’s a beautiful museum just barely upstate that I’ve been meaning to see and since the context of my work has been slowly beating me down once again, I find myself in need of an escape from the urban. I’m very excited to be in the forest again, or some proximity of it. I think I love it about as much as I love the city, if that’s possible. I suppose I just love them for very different reasons.

Anyway, It should all be very cathartic and nice and so I’m terribly excited for it. Hopefully you’ll enjoy your weekend as well and manage to stay cool wherever you are.

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