Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Can I just say that I'm completely infuriated at the decision by George Bush to commute the sentence of Mr. Libby? In his quotation in all the papers he's noted as saying he thought that the 30 month imprisonment sentence was excessive. What I would like to know is when he believed he acquired the law degree to give him the credibility to say that. Its an outrage that he would make an effort to interject in anyway in a case in which he himself has been implicated as having some questionable involvement, its an outrage that he would so blatantly place himself above the law of the land-there is a system of checks and balances for a purpose, and what I expect to be the most outrageous thing about it will be the way democrats and republicans, while they are making a stir now, will inevitably roll over for him on this issue and it will die just as every other severely agregeous act he's committed has died. Its disgusting and disgraceful and it makes me ashamed to live in this country. Most people who know me know that I don't suffer fools gladly and while I have been hesitant to denounce the entire country-government and all- because of things about it being somewhat positive, this is quite possibly the straw that has broken the camels back. How can anyone stand by and pretend that this is sane? How can anyone stand by and pretend our human rights and our rights as citizens of the united states are not being violated and being violated in plain view with flagrant digregard to any basic code of ethics? This government and this administration infuriate me to no end.How can we as citizens stand by and take this? How can we say this is acceptable? Or even, that its not acceptable but that we are going to wait until he's out of office? He should be impeached and should have been a long time ago for all the atrocities he's committed. How can we sit in our homes, continuing to live our misinformed little lives and say that that man, that disgrace to humanity, is taking care of this country in the way he ought?
I mean seriously, is this how we've always been? Have we, as a people, really been so ignorant, self serving, disgraceful and dishonest? Who in the hell are we, who have we become?
I guess its a very sad day for someone like myself who has always tried to maintain such faith in humanity and the inherent good in people to realize that this country has no backbone left if it ever had one.

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